Best Bubbles EVER!! Another Science Concoction
If you read yesterday’s post you know that we are having fun at Camp Invention during the day and concocting in the evening.
Sometimes things work out and other times ———— we’ll you don’t want to see those videos or help cleanup the mess.
As long as the boys are having fun and learning something at the same time, well, Grandma is a happy grandma.
We are using the book, “The Ultimate Book of Kid Concoctions”.
Today it’s all about the bubbles (page 33)
What you’ll need:
2 1/2 quarts of water
1/2 cup of light corn syrup
1 cup liquid dish detergent
NOTES to Parents:
- Use clear detergent unless you want the bubble mixture to be the color of your detergent
- You can cut this recipe in half or even quarter it because as you can see you will have lots of bubble mixture. It will last for several weeks in an airtight container though.
To concoct it:
- Mix water and syrup together until completely blended.
- Gently stir in the liquid dish detergent to the water and syrup mixture
I know you’ve been waiting to see how to make those bubbles so here are those famous twin scientists – Grady & Sterling
Don’t settle for plain old bubble wands. Look around the kitchen for different things you can use and see all the strange bubbles you can get.
As you can see below, there is a correct way and an incorrect way to use the egg separator when blowing bubbles.
And, when you run out of kitchen utensils, there is always your body parts. (Leave it to boys to think of body parts)
I’m not sure what our next concoction is but I have no doubt that it will be fun and exciting.
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