Go Green Tool Caddy

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14 Responses

  1. Super cute project! That sander is one thing that isn’t in my tool bag yet! I should definitely make one of these for my kiddos craft station, thanks for the tutorial

  2. Man, I need to organize like you!

  3. such a great idea & so handy too! Love it
    laura @eye candy creative studio recently posted…SHOPPING :: for Christmas CardsMy Profile

    • Tracey says:

      Thanks Laura. The boys are already carrying it around the house. It is really hard to tip over – even when they are carrying.

  4. What a fun gift idea! Very cute.

  5. What a great idea for the boys!
    lindsay @ Frenchie recently posted…DIY Stocking Holder with RYOBIMy Profile

  6. Great upcycle! and that leather handle is so cool.
    April @ illistyle recently posted…My picks from the new TOMS for Target lineMy Profile

  7. What a great project! Super upcycling idea!
    Karen @ Dogs Don’t Eat Pizza recently posted…Christmas Countdown ChalkboardMy Profile

  8. Super cute! You’ve been a busy lady!

  9. Cori says:

    Such a great DIY gift idea! I love this — might have to make one for my nephew!
    Cori recently posted…Guest Bathroom Makeover Reveal!My Profile

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