Rain Rain Go Away
After spending three weeks in the field at the Round Top/Warrenton Antique Show, I finally returned home. Exhausted and honestly sick of selling stuff, I decided to participate in a local craft show.
Crazy – I know.
I spent 8 – 10 hours a day for four days creating beautiful items to supplement my low inventory. Feeling comfortable with the amount of items I now had available to sell, I loaded the trailer Friday afternoon with the pop-up tent and necessary grids and drove over to the church where the fall show was being held. I set up the tent and fastened all the grids. I also use cattle panels to display all my signs so I drove the T-posts in the ground and secured the panels.
Headed home I thought I better check the weather. I shouldn’t have done that. It was showing up to 90% chance of rain the next day. Being the optimist that I am, I believe that it will just pass over and Saturday will be a great day.
When I get home I load the trailer again with tables and the containers with my new products and the bigger items in the Suburban. Tired from the three weeks before and then the past week of long days making inventory and all the pre-set up of this day; my brain starts to take over and overthink. I’ve been to this show when it flooded and it’s not a pretty sight.
I start to obsess over the Weather Channel. I’m checking it every few minutes and it isn’t getting any better. Instead of visualizing how beautiful my booth was going to look and all the sales I would be making, I was seeing a sagging tent and rain soaked product.
It is now 4 AM and I’m still awake and I’m watching the radar. There is a HUGE green, yellow and red band of storms headed directly at us. There was no way it would miss us. My visualization is now me standing in water above my knees and the tent has crashed and all the grids are floating off with my hard work. I haven’t sold a thing and lost everything I brought.
I go out to the trailer and unload all the tables and the containers. I get in the truck and drive back to the church (luckily it is only an hour round trip). In the dark and by myself, I take all the grids down and pull up the T-posts. I lower the tent and walk the legs together. I load the trailer and head home.
I’m home and back in bed by 6 AM expecting to get a couple of hours of good rain sleep. I wake up at 11 AM surprised that I had slept that long (I never sleep) but the biggest surprise is that it hadn’t rained. I go to the window and the sun is shining.
I check the radar and it still shows 80% chance of rain and that big green band is still all around us.
I spent the day sulking around the house feeling sorry for myself. It never rained a drop and I now have a truck load of fall products and no where to sell them. It was a miserable and unproductive day.
Sunday I woke up and kicked myself in the butt. I had wasted an entire day of my life feeling sorry for myself. What a fool. Just get over it! I can’t get a remake of the day and what is done is done. I know that if I would have gone to the show, it would have flooded and I would have lost my inventory. I believe, that by staying home, I prevented a rain out of the fall show and allowed all the other vendors to have great sales and a wonderful day.
Life is what you make it!
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