Top 10 Posts for 2014
2014 was my first year in the world of blogging. I must say that it has been very interesting and very challenging. It is true! You can teach an old dog new tricks – it just takes twice as long to learn them. I have so very much more to learn.
There is an unbelievable amount of work that goes into creating and maintaining a blog. It truly is not for the faint of heart and it will toughen your skin. I can say though, that it is great fun and it keeps your brain young and creating.
I love it and I plan to keep at it. Learning bits and pieces as I go along. I want to thank all my readers for sticking with me as I have grown (just a bit) and hope you continue to stick with me as I continue to learn and hope to grow a bit more.
I have lots of big plans (and a few little ones) for 2015 and with your support, I hope to get them all implemented here.
Today, I want to share with all of you, Let’s Go Junking’s Top Posts for 2014.
10. My Favorite Things Cookies. These truly are cookies made out of my favorite things. Just reading this post makes me want to go into the kitchen and make a couple dozen. They Are Delicious!!!!!
9. Tide Multi Purpose Oxi Cleaner. I had so much fun with this post. I want everyone to know that I didn’t just write this post because Tide gave me some Multi Purpose Oxi Cleaner – I wrote this post because this Stuff Really Does Work!! I use it to clean just about everything!!
8. Mason Jars and Horses. This post was very close to my heart. I loved writing this post and sharing a bit about myself with all of you. Yes, I’m putting my spare dollar bills in my jar because I know that dreams do come true!
7. Texas Flea Markets. I kinda let this post slide. My intent was to add to this post and review lots of the places in the post. I promise – it will get done in 2015 and we’ll just keep adding to it and spotlighting lots of the places.
6. Three Quick Projects with Paper. I was pleasantly surprised that this post made it to the top 10. It was actually one of my first sponsored posts ever! I loved working with DCWV. They have some of the best supplies ever! You’ll be seeing lots of new craft tutorials on the blog in 2015.
5. Staining The Pool Deck – Finally! Don and I had a great time with this project. We were so proud of ourselves when we FINALLY got that deck stained. We couldn’t have done it without the support of Thompson’s WaterSeal and HomeRight. These two companies have unbelievable products and are wonderful to work with. Great thing about this post – Thompson’s will be using it on their website this spring! Isn’t that exciting?
4. Go Green Tool Caddy. So glad this made it in the Top Five! Easy to make and so useful. Oh, and we have to mention that it is a Very Green Project. Grady & Sterling love their Art Caddy and they drag it out at least once a day to do some type of art project. I am happy to report that it has yet to spill and that says a lot in the hands of 6 year old boys.
3. Let’s Go Fishing. Another fun project for Don and I. It turned out beautiful! We are so happy that we built the pond box instead of putting the pond in the ground. I recommend it for us older folks – above ground we are much closer to it. We are very, very proud of this project.
2. Hotwheels Clock. The grandsons love this clock. It was a great project to work on together. If you don’t want to make your own – I’ll have a couple in my Etsy shop by the end of January or if you want to special order a background color let me know. I’ll also have a couple at the Spring Round Top/Warrenton Show.
1. The Number One Post was no surprise. Let’s Go Junking Garrison Texas. The traffic this post received was unreal! The comments and emails I received so warmed my heart. I received emails from many strangers (who are now friends); my grandparents neighbors (they haven’t lived there in almost 30 years) and even the Postmistress. We went back to Garrison in November for my cousin’s funeral and we stopped in at the Love Bug Fabric & Quilt Shop and they remembered me and thanked me for putting them in the post. They tell me they received new customers that had read about them on the blog. The lovely owners gave my whole family a tour of the shop and we visited with them for over an hour. They have invited us back this spring for our very own Girl’s Weekend of Quilting. We can’t wait!
Some of my friends have put together their best posts for 2014. Take a look at some of these great ladies and the work they do. If you have a roundup of your best posts for 2014, feel free to add your link to our party at
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