Using DecoArt Metallic Lustre
I was in Michael’s the other day and of course I’m cruising the clearance aisle. I saw some packages of DecoArt Metallic Lustre hanging there. I love DecoArt products so I thought, “At this price I’ll give them a try.”
I am so glad that I did! This stuff is amazing! It comes in 18 different colors. I purchased Black Shimmer, Gold Rush and Iced Expresso. Can’t wait to get my hands on Radiant Red, Brilliant Turquoise and Copper Kettle. I am already creating wonderful projects in this little brain of mine using these new colors and this wonderful product.
When I got home with my new found treasures, I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do with them. The package says that it is a “Wax Metallic Finish” and shows a picture of an ornate frame. So I’m guessing that Metallic Lustre works like the old RubNBuff.
But what sold me on the product was what I read on the back –
Adds an elegant, gilded finish to home décor, mixed media, scrapbooking, craft and fine art projects. Use for full coverage and accenting. Absorbs into porous surfaces and dries quickly. Use on wood, unglazed ceramics, clay, paper, canvas, walls and even metal.
Did you see that – wood, paper, canvas and even metal.
Instructions are easy: Apply to surface with soft cloth or sponge. Buff to a brilliant sheen. Seal with varnish for added durability and outdoor expose. Soap and water clean up.
I’ve got a some ideals floating around in my head to gussy up a few projects I was working on. But, I wanted MORE than the few things I had thought of.
So, what does a girl who wants more ideas do – Click over to YouTube of course.
Ruben Ruiz shows how to use it on embossed paper.
Fiona gives a great review and tells us how to save our Lustre when you forget to seal the container.
Shemi Dixon shares 5 diffeent ways to use Metallic Lustre and again, how you can revive your Lustre when you have let it dry out.
There are about 1000 different videos on YouTube when you search “DecoArt Megtallic Lustre”. They are full of cool ideas – somethings I’m sure you never thought of.
DecoArt products can be purchased at most arts and crafts stores and directly on their website
In a later post, I’ll share some of my Metallic Lustre projects. If you’ve used DecoArt’s Metallic Lustre in a project, please share with us.
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